A design system for purists

Radically minimal UI components, that you can copy directly into your project. Diète is for uncompromising, free-spirited app makers who want to remain independent.



Radio button

Helper text
Helper text
Helper text
Helper text



h1 Title

h2 Title

h3 Title

h4 Title

h5 Title
h6 Title

Large paragraph



Sans Sans Italic Sans Bold Sans Bold Italic Serif Serif Italic Serif Bold Serif Bold Italic Mono Mono Italic Mono Bold Mono Bold Italic

Input (vertical)

This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an error message
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an error message
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an error message
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an error message
This is an optional helper text

Input (horizontal)

This is an error message
This is an error message
This is an error message
This is an error message

Number input (vertical)

This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text
This is an optional helper text

Number input (horizontal)


Without any default value.
With default value.
This is some helper text.
This is some helper text.
This is some helper text.
This is some helper text.
This is some helper text.
This is some helper text.

Select (horizontal)